well well. my major hiatus is officially starting already. mugging time is here. lets just pray that i'd get moderation for a better grade and forget about the prelims. trying to predict my l1r5 doesnt make me feel any better. i'll just face reality on monday. i have absolutely no idea where i want to spend my first three months, and i dont want to think about it. it makes me more tired only.
alrighty every single mugger for o levels.. blessed time studying! =)
"thank you for always believing in me..."
oh! today in school i found out i had a mutated twin sister!!! hahaha! she's none other than JIAHUI!!! goodness me. this pokk had the same grades as me for almost all the papers we got back except english and chinese! we even did the exact same questions for geog paper 2! alwyn and elisha were so amused. haha jiahui do we have telephathy or what? or have i been eating too much pasta? hee.
anyways. lunched with caho yingen and jac at phin's today. i got to sit in the comfy chair! =) jac was craving for pasta, yingen and caho ordered pasta as well. well i had too much pasta over the past week i decided to go for fish and chips. turns out the fish and chips were nicer! =) yingen was literally dumping syrup into her ice lemon tea jac said she'd get diabetes! jac was taking spastic photos of caho playing with the lemon! haha oh wells. i was uber full, but still had itchy mouth for ice cream! jac owed yingen and caho sundaes for some bet they had, and i got a sundae as well! just because jac loves me! muahahahaha. she's so sweet. thanks dear! =) i was so bloated i wanted to puke.
well. so much for today. back to my minesweeper!
"ive had enough of crying, tearing and thinking.
i need you to carry me through. im tired..."
anyway. today was quite a disaster. whatever it may be, i know tml's going to be better because my Daddy loves me! special thanks to ethel daniel and janey for being ever so enouraging. appreciated! =) thank you yingen darling for accompany-ing me to lunch today, teaching me that straw trick and blowing your CO2 down my drink! yes i know you are strong! haha. love you loads! =)
yes and i need to complain. some sec3 guys broke his leg, they used our classroom and now my class is stuck high up in the 4th level, among all the other sec3s! boohoo. so cos we were getting results back and all, teachers taking their own sweet time, we were the only class on that level making so much noise!! ohh but what could be worse than having to listen to our dear principal nag. hai. not exactly the best way to start and end school. alrighty enough catastrophes for today already..
blessed week ahead!
"how wide you open up your arms
when i need your love.. "
may tomorrow never come. =(
yours truely woke up super late today, i slept like a pig. =) met shey darling at tampines and trained down to town to shop!!! before that, we were really hungry so decided to have early brunch. apparently, newyork newyork didnt seem to be open.. or rather there was nobody inside and we darent ask anyone if it was open, haha so the two hungrys went down to marina square to shop shop first! shey bought this pink bimbotic handphone pouch. suits her SO well. bimbo pouch for little bimbo. =) haha when we finally went to NEWYORK NEWYORK.. we had pasta!!! oh my gosh. the pasta's so much nicer than those at pasta mania!!! pasta mania no standard alr.. haha. then we had choco waffle. heavenly. too bad i forgot to take photos. =( anyway, during our lunch, the waiters kept walking to our table to look at the order receipt. haha, hard to explain, though they were amusingly annoying. when we walked in to sit.. the "my humps" song started playing!!! shey and i couldnt stop laughing!!! haha then the "yellow" song started playing too!! "...look at the stars.. they were all yellow..." haha silly no link song. then trained down to bugis to do more shopping!! haha long story about some uncle at zinc! and i never knew i had hidden talent for bargaining!!! hee hee.. sorry shey had to pang seh you so early.. thank you dear for the shopping!!!! really enjoyed myself.
trained down to bedok where i met janey!! okay so we were SUPPOSED to meet big cow and some others at mp library but apparently we were so late they left without us. hrmp. thank goodness janey was with me.. if not i'd take a million years find my way to east coast. =) well the turnout was rather good! alot of people went. well i really had fun perspiring myself out! i love the wind in my face, esp when you go so so so fast on the bike! oh man i missed that feeling so much. =) we gathered at bedok jetty, chit chatted and stuff.. daniel and janey were singing this funny korean song? haha. it sounded rather silly. i was starring at the little cute fishies in the water.. so tiny! haha. alene amanda char and ethel were doing turn arounds on their blades and brian did his signature FALL. *laughs*
well after that dont know what happened only left brian yongde jack ethel char and me walking to lagoon to meet the rest of them there. haha i really enjoyed talking to ethel and char!!! =) meanwhile brian jumped over the hedge and gave me a big shock. he can go shoot his own movie already. haha. after the longest walk, we finally reached lagoon. praise God!!! the walk felt so much shorter with everyone crapping and crapping. haha. crapping helps huh. well apparently everyone was so into stingray and stuff, only able ethel and i were at our table. it was really fun talking to them. =) well apparently i was so so full from lunch i couldnt really take dinner..
well it was really late when we left east coast and the few of us went to look for a bus stop. haha. the walk to the bus stop was damn funny i swear. ethel got kev and malcolm to help her carry her blades so they took one "shoe" each. *laughs!* ethel and i were going on and on about how they looked like a couple carrying one blade each malcolm almost smashed my face with the blade he was carrying! haha anyway we had to walk along this highway before reaching the bus stop kev kept trying to scare everyone. hrmp. i do NOT like to be freaked out so late at night. but his attempts turned out to be quite hilarious. we were just cracking lame jokes on the way back and i was so so thankful when the bus came. i was so tired, and i needed to bathe. took a bus back with claire and we were just talking.. really enjoyed talking to claire! =) yes then finally got home. never loved the shower so much before. haha.
a big fat congrats to everyone who survived reading my super long noise till here!!! give yourself one clap!! *claps* =) haha. thank you everyone for making my day! yesterday and today were simply awesome and im really excited about tml!! =) LOVE YOU ALL CHUNKS! =)
today was one of the bests days of the month. =) whoohoo!! i just cant stop smiling. bought i big fat sunflower for jiahui"kor" cos it's her birthday tml!! happy early birthday girl! =) exam was rather rubbish. dearest mdm sim could not stop yakking away. oh how highly annoying. anyway who'd wanna bother? prelims are over!!! 4c met in the canteen, took a good 45 min or so to decide where to eat and who's going for lunch.. finally, we trained down to bugis!!!
um and on the train... we were frantically taking photos of each other! (sorry i cant upload any photos due to the laggness of my com.) when we finally got to bugis, i realised for the first time that there's actually a SEOUL GARDEN there! oops. lets see who went. yinzuo dj yeokseng ruixiang junyi yingen shey caho jackie pearl jiahui joyce yunzhi and me! the uncle asked how many people.. i did a quick headcount. 14.
yingen: 15 lah! junyi needs two seats.
LOL! we paid money returned change and stuff and went to get food!!! yingen was doing most of the cooking and chucking food onto my plate! i tried to cook the beef... after 2 mins of poking.. yingen flipped the beef over. it was BLACK. opps. i conclude that i cant poke beef. meanwhile.. jackie was self-amusing..
jackie bimbo: ooh!! look the fishball gets bigger when you cook it!
jackie bimbo: ooh! i can cut the tofu!
HAHAHAHA!!! who cant cut tofu!?!? she's super hilarious! jackie took a mountain of meat while shey took a hill of veggies. conclusion: jackie=carnivore, shey=herbivore. yingen was the best. she was dumping chicken meat into my ice-cream!!!
jiahui: whoa thank goodness im not sitting beside yingen!
hai. poor me. i never touched the ice cream after that. the guys, at the other table, were having fun with their um.. eggs. apparently they fried/steamed/baked/halfboiled/fullboiled/ate raw a few million EGGS. take your pick. i've never seen anyone eat so many eggs at one shot before! their food just looked completely inedible. eww. and i thought we were only allowed 3 eggs per week.
hmm the girls went to take neoprints after that while the guys stayed to wait for their sushi. their stomachs really can squeeze food lah. i was so bloated i couldn't take dinner. anyway. i left while they were designing the prints, trained down to tampines to meet alene janey and ethel for movie!! devil wears prada!!! alene kept stuffing me with chocos and popcorn! haha. and they bought greentea for me! thanks babes!! i was kinda late but praise Jesus i didnt really miss alot of the movie! =) the movie was glam!! i want all those clothes!
when we left the theatre we saw SHAVONNE!!! at the arcade with her friends. we chit-chatted a while then took bus home. today was really a wonderful day. =) thanks everyone for making my day!! LOVE you guys loads!!! im so so so excited about tml!!!!! shopping with shey at town then meeting superd at east coast! ooh cant wait! =) sorry cant upload any photos.. wait till my com's in shape.. i'll attempt to do so again! till then.. blessed weekends! =)
today was probably one of the most horrible days of my week. i've never felt so terribly cold, exhausted and migraned in my life. puffy cheeks. sleepy eyes. what have you. i've not cried this badly for such a long time. thank you ethel alene janey darlings for shopping today! it really made my day so much better, i kinda forgot prelims are still on..
im tired. very.
" i need you to carry me through.. "
there's so many things i want to do after Os. cant wait! =) but im so going to miss secondary school.. the secondary school life that we were all woah-ing about in primary 6.. it's going to be over soon.. it's just a matter of weeks! well well i guess it's time to move on...
"Everything my heart desires
Lord I want it all to be for You Jesus
Be my magnificent obsession"
thursday: was rather hand-numbing day. compo-ed for english and chinese! then had bio tutorial. only like 5 of us attended! sole survivors: junyi alwyn yingen and me. half-survivor: amanda ho. yu jie came and sat in a little while then left. it was too rainy a day for teachers day eve. i was starving and couldn't get out of school to get food! in the end walked in the drizzle. thank goodness it was only a DRIZZLE. hmm if you know what i mean. well nothing really much happened...
friday: yes yes big interesting day! reached tamp at 11 am to meet yongde brian malcolm mika janey to get materials for coaches day present! yes and i bought a purple pen!! :) after buying 4 plastic cardboards and glue we went to get mcflurries!!! YUMMY. smuggled the icecreams up 31 and bus-ed down to bedok to meet alene serene roger daniel angus for lunch. blah blah blah... went to alene's house!!! we settled at her 'mini-living room' and started doing random stuff.. claire ethel kev came to join us and oh something really funny happened!!!
malcolm: ethel you cut your hair ah?
ethel: no no no it dropped off.
hahaha! quite duh right the question! and even more funny stuff happened!!
someone observant: kev your socks wear inside out!
*kev quickly yanks out his socks!*
hahaha ok like then we finally started doing the 'cards' for coach val and coach julian! spent time making hearts and stars with straws and ethel made a green prawn which looked like a carrot! later we had praise and worship. while trying to get everyone to settle down kev i think, was saying: ey guys, p&w now, p&w.
malcolm: ey you know pulau ubin has A&W
alene and mika: really?!?! (while amazed at how advanced pulau ubin was...)
malcolm: ya. pulau ubin has air and water.
woah how random was that? hahaha. anyway praise and worship was simply awesome :) after that we had sharing. yes and that was when roger's best enemies were brought in. durians puffs. haha meet the anti-durians! yongde roger mika janey ethel and me. at the mention of the word durian, you'll see daniel's and alene's eyes sparkle! literally! like 'durian' is some magic word. the whole time roger was being bullied by the guys who were chasing him around with durian puffs! the way roger shuns the durians.. he really did look like a rabbit. later we were talking about really wrong stuff.. better not share here. blah blah fast forward.. we completed most of the deco and started cleaning up. after the clean up...
kev: where's my swa zi?
mika: what swa zi?
claire: it's wa zi lah!
kev: really?
oh man! hahaha! socks + wa zi = swa zi???
yay then we started talking lots and lots of photos! (basic photography!)

sexy babes of superd!!! :)

paul twohill impersonate? and her most ardent fan!

alene and me! our very own finger-frame!

i have no idea why brian took this photo

superd! one big family!

numbers.. 1 to 12!! fingers all over the place!
lala that was all for friday!! went simpang bedok for dinner after that then went home..

our beloved coach val!!!
our beloved coach julian!!!
ADCY and me!! :)
amanda with coach val's 'card'!
yay!! superd so sexy we look like WHOO!!
claire coach val and mika! um with half a nick!
pink-shirt babes with coach val!
we were.. wall-ed!
the guys with coach julian.. this is the blurer version.. the funnier and sharper ones are with claire and nick!
yay! im finally finished posting all my photos! i just love posting photos! :) there's just so many things that happened today i wont share here.. well next week's the sept hols! blessed holidays everyone! take care!!